A Guide to the LBC

SOHACK Project
August 2, 2024
5 min read

In the realm of sustainable architecture and design, the Living Building Challenge (LBC) stands out as a beacon of innovation and environmental stewardship. Developed by the International Living Future Institute, LBC represents one of the most stringent and holistic green building certification programs globally.

What is the Living Building Challenge?
The LBC is not just a certification; it's a comprehensive framework that pushes the boundaries of sustainable building practices. It sets forth rigorous standards aimed at creating buildings that operate efficiently, while also promoting health and environmental benefits. LBC-certified buildings are designed to be regenerative spaces that give back to the environment, rather than depleting it.

Why Should University Students Care?
As the future leaders of design and construction industries, university students play a crucial role in shaping the built environment of tomorrow. Understanding and engaging with frameworks like LBC equips students with the knowledge and skills to create buildings that are not only environmentally responsible but also enhance human well-being.

Key Performance Categories of the Living Building Challenge
To fully grasp the LBC, it’s crucial to understand its Performance Categories. These categories define the standards and goals for achieving certification and include:
- Place: Ensuring projects contribute positively to the local ecosystem and community.
- Water: Managing and improving water use and quality.
- Energy: Achieving net zero energy and using renewable sources.
- Health & Happiness: Prioritizing the well-being of occupants and the impact on human health.
- Materials: Using healthy, non-toxic, and sustainably sourced materials.
- Equity: Promoting social equity and inclusion within the project.

Dive Deeper with the SOHACK Project
Eager to explore these sustainability concepts in practice? Join us at the Sohack Project, where we delve into these ideas through engaging hackathons held in Greece, Portugal, and Lithuania from March to May 2024. On the 4th day of these events, we will specifically focus on the Living Building Challenge, examining how its principles can be applied in innovative ways. For more information and access to materials related to this topic, check out the link here: [Sohack Day 4].