Paulo Freire's Pedagogy

SOHACK Project
January 10, 2024
5 min read

For the purposes of the SO-HACK project, the focus is given on applied research approach, and more specifically on action research. Action researchers mostly are impassioned with a specific issue, which in the case of SO-HACK Project that is the university campus. Thus, a committed young social researcher applying action research, would have the opportunity to advance their knowledge and create opportunities for social & environmental changes in their campus, while they are involving the university community in the process.

Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the oppressed set the principles for what is now known Participatory action research. His work is very important for Education and Social Research, as he added the first milestone to the student-based learning method, and he has offered an important theoretical innovation to the educational processes.

Paulo Freire was a revolutionary Brazilian educator, whose ideas have influenced many other academic disciplines and he has been ever since an inspiration across the globe. His philosophy originated from deep respect and understanding, but also humility before the oppressed people. His work was emblematic for the respect and awareness of the world view of the oppressed and marginalized groups, which according to him constitute a knowledge no less important than the scientific knowledge of professionals or dominants/oppressors as he termed them (Darder, 2002).