Solving Sustainability
Challenges in Educational

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At the end of the third week of May, Vilnius University hosted an International Social Hackathon for Sustainability, bringing together students from Greece, Portugal, and Lithuania to address sustainability issues at the Faculty of Philosophy.


From May 13-17, 2024, the Faculty of Philosophy at Vilnius University is hosting an international social hackathon, marking the peak of the ERASMUS+ (KA220-HED) project SOHACK (Social Hacking of Higher Education for Sustainability).


Getting Around


Welcome to SOHACK, the EU co-financed project that aims to increase sustainability on university campuses, through education and collaboration. Take a look at the User Guide to help you find suitable content and make the most of your SOHACK experience, so that you too can become a driver of sustainability for the good of all. Enjoy!

- Explanations of our courses, developed both for teachers and students
- Introduction to our 5-Day Social Hackathon with activities and collaboration
- Registration and Login Instructions (incl. how to track your progress)
- FAQ Section
- Explanation and instructions for the Green Guru AI Assistant

Bridging the skill gap
between SSH and industry
Apie projektą
Bridging the skill gap
between SSH and industry
Bridging the skill gap
between SSH and industry

SOHACK - Social Hacking of Higher Education for Sustainability

SOHACK aims to integrate sustainability into higher education, focusing on environmental, social, and economic aspects. It offers a unique program where students tackle sustainability challenges faced by their universities, blending place-making and hackathon methods with intensive theoretical courses. The project's objectives include establishing sustainable problem-solving methods in higher education, enhancing student and teacher competencies, and creating sustainable solutions within the sector.

Work Package 2 delivers sustainability courses for students and teachers. Students' courses blend competency training with hackathons, fostering sustainability skills irrespective of academic background. Teacher courses, offered online, focus on sustainability teaching methods and hackathon leadership.

WP3 includes a digital learning channel for sharing knowledge and resources. This online learning environment is user-friendly and focuses on problem-based learning approaches.

Piloted SOHACK courses result in trained students and teachers in sustainability, several hackathons, and the creation and promotion of at least six sustainability solutions, documented in an e-booklet.

SOHACK - Hackeamento
Social do Ensino Superior
para a Sustentabilidade
Bridging the skill gap
between SSH and industry
„SOHACK“ – socialinis
hakatonas tvaresnėms
aukštojo mokslo
Bridging the skill gap
between SSH and industry
SOHACK - Κοινωνικό
χάκινγκ της τριτοβάθμιας
εκπαίδευσης για την
Bridging the skill gap
between SSH and industry



Sustainability courses for students and teachers. Students' courses blend competency training with hackathons, fostering sustainability skills irrespective of academic background. Teacher courses, offered online, focus on sustainability teaching methods and hackathon leadership.

Bridging the skill gap
between SSH and industry
Courses for Students
Bridging the skill gap
between SSH and industry
Teacher Course on Sustainability
Bridging the skill gap
between SSH and industry
Teacher Course on Sustainability



Greece- March 11-15, 2024
Portugal - April 8-12, 2024
Lithuania - May 13-17, 2024

Welcome to the 2024 Sustainability Social Hackathon, uniting students in Portugal, Lithuania, and Greece to tackle pressing environmental and social challenges on university campuses. This event offers a unique platform for collaboration, innovation, and real-world solution creation. Participants will form multinational teams, blending diverse skills and perspectives, under the guidance of sustainability experts. It's more than a competition; it's a chance to make a tangible impact and forge international friendships.

Welcome to the sustainability push
in the academic world

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Featured Blog


Tools for Sustainablity

Sustainability Solutions

It may be complicated to understand if your university is sustainable and what steps might be taken to ensure it.

Read post

Higher Education's Role

Sustainability Solutions

In an era where global challenges such as climate change, inequality, and resource depletion are increasingly urgent, the role of higher education in fostering sustainable development has never been more critical.

Read post

Essential Skills

SOHACK Project

The SOHACK project, dedicated to promoting sustainable development within higher education, identifies a set of sustainability competencies that are essential for students in the 21st century.

Read post


Have questions? We've got answers.

How do I keep track of my learning progress?
Como posso acompanhar o meu progresso de aprendizagem?
Kaip galiu stebėti savo mokymosi pažangą?
Πώς μπορώ να παρακολουθώ την πρόοδο της μάθησής μου;

How can I interact with others while collaborating on a project, during a hackathon or course?
Como posso interagir com outros enquanto colaboro num projeto, durante um hackathon ou curso?
Kaip galiu bendradarbiauti su kitais kursų ir hakatonų dalyviais?
Πώς μπορώ να αλληλεπιδρώ με άλλους κατά τη συνεργασία σε ένα έργο, κατά τη διάρκεια ενός hackathon ή ενός μαθήματος;

I want to volunteer for SOHACK. How do I do that?
Quero fazer parte do SOHACK. O que faço?
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