Tools for Sustainablity
Sustainability Solutions
It may be complicated to understand if your university is sustainable and what steps might be taken to ensure it.
A Guide to the LBC
SOHACK Project
In the realm of sustainable architecture and design, the Living Building Challenge (LBC) stands out as a beacon of innovation and environmental stewardship.
Active Learning Methods
Sustainability Solutions
Sustainability is a complex and multifaceted issue that has generated considerable public debate.
Low Effort Sustainability
Sustainability Solutions
To move towards a more sustainable future, the places where we spend our daily lives should be more sustainable.
Empowering Recycling
Sustainability Solutions
Empowering Sustainability through Recycling and Education.
Sohack at VU: the launch
From May 13-17, 2024, the Faculty of Philosophy at Vilnius University is hosting an international social hackathon.
Social Hackathon Wrap-Up
At the end of the third week of May, Vilnius University hosted an International Social Hackathon for Sustainability.
Bridging the Gap: SOHACK
SOHACK Project
Our contribution to sustainability education: New ways to improve sustainability education.
Paulo Freire's Pedagogy
SOHACK Project
For the purposes of the SO-HACK project, the focus is given on applied research approach, and more specifically on action research.